About Me

About Me

Hello! My name is Amanda Remy.

I’m an avid creative, a problem-solver, and a bit of a jack of all trades. I believe in taking a goal-oriented approach to art and design. That means every project begins with two questions:
  1. What story are we trying to tell?

2. How can we break the mold?

With a Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations, I understand the importance of communicating a narrative, and I believe art is inherently a uniquely powerful tool to tell that story.
I thrive on challenges, and I approach each design project as a riddle, seeking the most innovative solutions. For that reason, every detail of the work I create is crafted with deliberate intention and careful consideration. In essence, I live for the little things, since those are what make up the whole.

My goal is to tell your story, so let’s see what we can create…

Let's create together

Let's create together

  • INTENTION (N) - An aim that guides action; an objective.

    The American Heritage Dictionary

  • Consideration (n) - Careful thought; deliberation

    The American Heritage Dictionary

Incredibly relevant and important questions to consider when deciding whether or not you would like to work with me…

  • At this point in my life, a couple of times a day. Did you know Romans invented concrete…and that the recipe was lost for centuries…and that it took scientists until just a couple of years ago to reverse engineer it? I can’t look at a sidewalk without thinking about that.

    1. I am a black belt in karate.*
      *that is, from thirteen years ago in children’s martial arts, so no, my hands are not registered weapons.

    2. My first pets, other than a carnival-prize fish that lived for two days (R.I.P. Bob) were two desert tortoises named Amy and Fernando.

    3. I have a ridiculously large family. Like, ridiculously large. Seriously, ask me about it.

  • Tommy by The Who, but The Who By Numbers is a very close second.